RESOURCES: Grief, Loss, & Dying
Here’s another recommended Resource List as you minister grace and truth. There are many more list links in the right-hand margin of this homepage.
- At a Time Like This (Simon Manchester)
- Caring for an Aging Parent (Bryon Peters)
- Facing Death with Hope (David Powlison)
- Grief and Your Child (Bob Kellemen)
- Grief: Finding Hope Again (Paul Tripp)
- Grief: Learning to Live with Loss (Howard Eyrich)
- Grieving the Loss of Your Child (Ryan Showalter)
- Grieving with Hope (Randy Alcorn)
- HELP! I Can’t Handle All These Trials (Joel James)
- HELP! I Have Breast Cancer (Brenda Frields)
- HELP! I’m Depressed (Carol Trahan)
- HELP! I’m Living with Terminal Illness (Reggie Weems)
- HELP! I’m So Lonely (Deborah Howard)
- HELP! My Baby Died (Reggie Weems)
- HELP! My Spouse Died (Sue Nicewander Delaney)
- HELP! Someone I Love Has Cancer (Deborah Howard)
- Helping Your Family Grieve (Darby Strickland)
- LONELINESS: Connecting with God and Others (Lou Priolo)
- A Small Book for the Hurting Heart: Meditations on Loss, Grief, and Healing (Paul Tautges)
- Grief: Walking with Jesus (Bob Kellemen) – 31-day devotional
- A Student’s Guide to Grief (Paul Tautges)
- Comfort the Grieving (Paul Tautges)
- Death in the Home: A Christian Father Responds to Loss (B. M. Palmer)
- From Grief to Glory (James Bruce, on grieving the death of a child)
- God’s Care for the Widow (Austin Walker)
- God’s Healing for Life’s Losses ( Bob Kellemen)
- Grief Undone: A Journey with God and Cancer (Elizabeth Groves)
- Grieving, Hope and Solace (Al Martin) – especially good for widows and widowers
- Heaven (Randy Alcorn)
- Lament for a Son (Nicholas Wolterstorff)
- Near to the Broken Hearted: The Comfort of Jesus in the Grief of Losing a Child (Dan and Anna Martin)
- Seasons of Sorrow (Tim Challies)
- Sunsets: Reflections for Life’s Final Journey (Deborah Howard)
- The Faces of Grief: 12-week Bible study (Marian Talley-Cunningham)
- The Forbidden Grief (Peter Barnes)
- The Undistracted Widow Living for God after Losing Your Husband (Carol Cornish)
- Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts (Jerry Bridges)
- Henry Says “Good-Bye” (Good News for Little Hearts)
- Something Sad Happened (Darby Strickland)
- The Moon Is Always Round (Jonathan Gibson)
- Grief Diary (Robyn Huck)
- Grief Is An Exhausting Journey (For the Church)
- HOPE + HELP for Grief and Loss (podcast with Paul Tautges)
- Interpreting Grief According to God’s Truth (Ace Espenshied)
- The Mourning Soul (blog)
- Why You Should Be Praying the Psalms (Donald Whitney)
*Originally posted September 24, 2012. Updated regularly.