Here are some nuggets of wisdom to help you grow in grace and truth as you minister God’s Word to one another. “Wisdom is worth more than silver; it brings more profit than gold” (Prov. 3:14).

Pain from the Church Heals in the Church – “This is the beauty of the body of Christ: we do not have to pretend we are put-together people. Believers endure the trials of this life together, which means we also have a front-row seat to spiritual growth gifted through them.”

Ministries Evacuate as Russians Reach Irpin, the Evangelical Hub of Ukraine – This article is important to read, but it’s heartbreaking to me since I’ve taught in Irpin many times.

A Counselor’s Conduct Matters – Caroline Newheiser challenges us well: “Do you realize that your counselees might model their behavior after you? This may not be explicit, but we have that role whether we are aware or not. There is a sense in which we represent our Savior’s actions to others.”

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