I Will Be Like Jesus
Continuing my meditations in the book of 1 John, the Holy Spirit focused the eyes of my heart on another important truth about who I am in Christ. By virtue of my union with Christ by faith, I am completely
Continue readingHelping you grow in God's all-sufficient grace and truth
Continuing my meditations in the book of 1 John, the Holy Spirit focused the eyes of my heart on another important truth about who I am in Christ. By virtue of my union with Christ by faith, I am completely
Continue readingYesterday, at Calvary Theological Seminary, we talked briefly about the importance of “positive irritation” in our Foundations of Biblical Counseling class. Positive irritation is the one-another ministry we carry out for the sake of fellow believers, which aids in spiritual
Continue readingA pastor needs a pastor. A counselor needs a counselor. Perhaps that comes as a surprise to you, but it should not. As a son of Adam, I am cut out of the same bolt of fallen cloth that you
Continue readingOver the years, as I have meditated on the implications of the numerous “one-another” commands in the New Testament, I have come to some sobering conclusions about our relationships. It is typical for us as believers to think that our
Continue reading“The Expulsive Power of a New Affection” is the classic sermon of Thomas Chalmers, a Scottish mathematician, political economist, and leader of the Free Church of Scotland. Many months ago, I printed off this sermon and it’s been in my
Continue readingOne day, last week, I posted an excerpt from my first book, which gave a brief account of how the Lord opened my eyes to how performance-driven my nature is and how it negatively affects my “feeling” of acceptance with
Continue readingFrom time to time, over the past several months, I have passed on to you valuable teaching about the doctrine of sanctification from Christ Formed In You by Brian Hedges, which my men’s small group has been studying this year.
Continue readingThe War Against Weakness– “People frame their lives to make themselves look strong and calm when, in reality, they are weak and burdened. The beautiful picture of Adam and Eve resting perfectly in the provision of the Lord is exchanged
Continue readingThose whom God saves are saved forever. Those whom God saves He empowers to endure in the faith until the end (Mk 13:13). This is the doctrine known as the perseverance of the saints. Sometimes referred to as the security
Continue readingLORD, My sin has never been more repulsive to my spiritual senses, but Christ has never been sweeter. My strength has never more acutely felt like weakness, but Christ has never been sweeter. My awareness of living in a fallen
Continue readingBiblically, any “identity crisis,” as it may be termed, is answered and remedied by a proper understanding of the believer’s new identity in Jesus Christ. In other words, we must have a biblically accurate “self-image.” As we grow through the
Continue readingI ask’d the Lord, that I might grow in faith, and love, and ev’ry grace, Might more of his salvation know, and seek more earnestly his face. ‘Twas he who taught me thus to pray, and he, I trust has
Continue readingAccording to Romans 12:2, believers can count on the will of God for their life being good, acceptable, and perfect. Therefore, there is never any good reason to not fully surrender to it. In The Christian’s Reasonable Service, Dutch Reformer
Continue readingBelievers in Jesus Christ are called to live like soldiers, strengthened by grace as members of God’s army—involved in the lives of other soldiers in God’s battalion. That was the emphasis in yesterday’s post, as we began to consider the
Continue readingHaving a son in the U.S. Army has made me a bit more alert to the “soldier” analogy in Scripture. One passage in particular is Paul’s admonition to Timothy, his son in the faith. “You therefore, my son, be strong
Continue readingMany professing Christians seek change in their lives using methods which are contrary to Scripture. As a result, they don’t experience the change which God seeks to produce in his people. In the very helpful booklet, HELP! Want to Change,
Continue readingChange is hard, and our attempts often result in failure. One of the reasons for this is a misunderstanding of progressive sanctification—a doctrine that no believer can experience healthy spiritual growth without. That’s why I am thrilled to commend to
Continue readingOne of our key objectives as Christians is to become what we already are. In other words, to strive, by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, to progressively line up our thoughts, attitudes, and behavior with our righteous position in
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