Frail Children of Dust

I intended to wrap up the series interacting with David Murray’s book on depression with one final post today. However, the brain fog has not yet cleared from the weekend and today I begin a week teaching a graduate studies course, Family Counseling & Parenting Skills, at Northland International University. Lord willing, I will have the energy and clarity of mind to post my concluding article tomorrow.

In the meantime, let me pass on to you some related encouragement I received this past Lord’s Day. The Holy Spirit used two hymns to refresh my soul in yesterday morning’s worship service. The service began with a majestic call to worship–the congregational hymn O Worship the King. It was the fourth verse that really hit me: “Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail, in Thee do we trust, nor find Thee to fail. Thy mercies how tender, how firm to the end! Our Maker, Defender, Redeemer, and Friend!”

What a comfort to know that our gracious Lord not only cleanses us from our sin by the blood of His Son, but also understands our human weaknesses, which are not necessarily, or always, caused by personal sin. We are but dust. God knows this because He made us this way. We are not invincible! The hymn verse above immediately brought to mind two of my favorite verses from Psalm 103, “Just as a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him. For He Himself knows our frame; He is mindful that we are but dust.”

Then we learned a new hymn as our Song of the Month, entitled Lord Jesus Christ, How Far You Came. It too ministered strength to my sometimes-feeble faith. Here are the lyrics:

Lord Jesus Christ, how far you came from heaven’s highest throne, to take on you our human frame and wear our nature, bear our shame, for our sin to atone,—–for our sin to atone.

Lord Jesus Christ, how deep your love for sinners, poor and lost, that you should come from heav’n above, a servant be, our sins remove, and save at such a cost,—–and save at such a cost.

Lord Jesus Christ, how great your grace to die the death you died; accursed for a sinful race, we scarce can look upon your face: our Lord is crucified,—–our Lord is crucified.

Lord Jesus Christ, exalted high by God the Father’s Word; O speed the day when all will cry, in heav’n and earth and sea and sky, that Jesus Christ is Lord,—–that Jesus Christ is Lord!

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