Disability Conference
Desiring God is hosting its first-ever disability conference: The Works of God: God’s Good Design in Disability. My wife and I have already registered to attend this one-day event. Have you?
Speakers include Nancy Guthrie, Greg Lucas, Mark Talbot, and John Piper. John Knight posted the following comments about one of the speakers over at The Works of God blog. “Mark Talbot will be speaking on Longing for Wholeness: Chronic Suffering and Christian Hope. He has some credibility on the subject; he’s been living with chronic pain since he was a teenager. One would expect that he would primarily long for freedom from that pain. Yet, after decades of pain, he can write about freedom like this:
I know that he who has chosen to appoint me to eternal life (see 1 Thess. 1:4-5 with Acts 13:48) will complete the work he has begun in me (see Phil. 1:6) when, one day, “in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet” (1 Cor. 15:52), he transforms me into the likeness of his sinless Son and thus ushers me into “the freedom of the glory of the children of God” (Rom. 8:21).
True freedom is the freedom that God in Christ, in their own unchangeable mercy and faithfulness, work within us. By the gift of that freedom we are indeed set free. God sets us free, even in the midst of extraordinary trials! God is doing the work! We will be transformed!
My fellow believers and biblical counselors; you don’t have to live day-in and day-out with disability to benefit from this one-of-a-kind conference. Come. Be equipped to better counsel one another to the glory of God.
Summer is slipping by quickly. Register now!