NUGGETS [10/17/13]

Here are four more “good reads” from Jonathan Holmes, counseling pastor at Parkside Church in Green, Ohio.

3 Dos and Don’ts of Counseling Sex-Offenders – “As the church does a better job in understanding the epidemic of sexual victimization (1:3 women, 1:5 men report unwanted sexual contact by age 18), the church also faces the challenge of understanding how to care for sex offenders in the community.”

Compulsive Porn Users’ Brain Activity – Brain studies show similar patterns of activity amongst pornography users as their counterparts who are addicted to alcohol and drugs.

The Rational Choices of Crack Addicts – Interesting read from the New York Times on how addressing issues of addiction cannot be strictly done via medications and drugs.

Why Second Marriages are More PerilousTime Magazine discusses the big issue most people headed for divorce do not want to hear- second marriages are even tougher than the first.

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