HOPE + HELP for Anxious Hearts

What is anxiety? How do we turn from our fears to the Lord? And how do we fight against the anxieties that don’t seem to let up? These questions and more are answered in this podcast interview that I had the privilege of doing with Christine Chappell on The HOPE + HELP Project podcast. The purpose of the podcast is to share Christ-centered comfort and clarity for those seeking biblical solutions for the struggles they face. The podcast accomplishes this by offering a mix of interviews with seasoned biblical counseling professionals and ministry leaders on a variety of topics. Listeners can expect to receive biblical wisdom as well as practical steps for facing suffering, struggling, and sin with courage and grace.

CLICK HERE to listen to Christine and me talk about the sufficiency of Scripture and God’s grace for the fight against anxiety taught in my newest book ANXIETY: Knowing God’s Peace (31-Day Devotional). Also consider subscribing to the podcast.

[Originally posted October 7, 2019]

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