I Am Loved
Continuing my meditations in the book of 1 John, the Holy Spirit has focused the eyes of my heart on another important truth about my position in Christ. According to the Word of God, I am loved by my heavenly
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Continuing my meditations in the book of 1 John, the Holy Spirit has focused the eyes of my heart on another important truth about my position in Christ. According to the Word of God, I am loved by my heavenly
Continue readingThe congregation of College Park Church in Indianapolis were the gracious hosts of this year’s NANC annual conference. Monday evening, Mark Vroegop, pastor of College Park, opened up the conference with a wonderful exposition of Psalm 19:7-11. He demonstrated the completeness of
Continue readingThe book of Proverbs contains abundant wisdom from God, primarily through King Solomon’s instruction to his son. The other authors include Agur (Ch. 30) and King Lemuel (Ch. 31). Yesterday, in one of the plenary sessions at the ACBC annual
Continue readingIt is exciting to make you aware of a brand new resource that has just been publicly released here at the NANC annual conference in Indianapolis. My friend and sister in Christ, Sue Nicewander, has authored a unique and very
Continue readingThe definition that we work to develop here at Counseling One Another is as follows: Biblical counseling is an intensely focused and personal aspect of the discipleship process, whereby believers come alongside one another for three main purposes: first, to
Continue readingYesterday, in our evening service, our songleader selected the following hymn for congregational singing. Though it’s been around for over 30 years, it is new to me. Though it’s not a theologically-rich song that takes our thoughts to the heights
Continue readingMatthew Henry gives us the following counsel and then follows it with a way to pray: “Ask God’s forgiveness for your absorption with things that deserve little or no consideration, and your failure to concentrate on subjects that nourish the
Continue readingHere’s another recommended Resource List as you minister grace and truth. There are many more list links in the right-hand margin of this homepage. MINI-BOOKS Abuse: Finding Hope in Christ (John Henderson) Bad Memories: Getting Past Your Past (Robert Jones)
Continue readingHere’s another recommended Resource List as you minister grace and truth. There are many more list links in the right-hand margin of this homepage. Bad Memories: Getting Past your Past (Robert Jones) Bitterness: The Root that Pollutes (Lou Priolo) Bitterness:
Continue readingContinuing my meditations in the book of 1 John, the Holy Spirit focused the eyes of my heart on another important truth about who I am in Christ. By virtue of my union with Christ by faith, I am completely
Continue readingYesterday, at Calvary Theological Seminary, we talked briefly about the importance of “positive irritation” in our Foundations of Biblical Counseling class. Positive irritation is the one-another ministry we carry out for the sake of fellow believers, which aids in spiritual
Continue readingOver the past month, or so, I have been addressing the problem of Pharisaism–the self-righteous attitudes and thinking that every one of us as sinners battle to one degree or another. This blogging emphasis has been sparked by my reading
Continue readingThis past Sunday, in our evening service, we received one of the most God-glorifying, gospel-exalting, grace-dispensing testimonies we have heard in a long time. As one of our members gave God glory, for His ongoing work of grace in the
Continue readingGod’s holy calling for the believer in Christ includes personal responsibility for self-discipline, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to live in a manner worthy of his or her high position as a new creature in Christ. God’s vision
Continue readingThis morning’s meditation in the book of 1 John ministered grace to my heart and mind by reassuring me of God’s love for me in Christ. Specifically, the Spirit repeatedly highlighted the truth that in Christ I am already accepted
Continue readingAs I war against the continuing influence of my depravity, one of the chief sins I wrestle with is anxiety. And the more I talk to other believers, the more I realize just how common this struggle is, which is
Continue readingHere’s another recommended Resource List as you minister grace and truth. There are many more list links in the right-hand margin of this homepage. MINI-BOOKS Eating Disorders: The Quest for Thinness (Ed Welch) Godliness through Discipline (Jay Adams) HELP! I’m
Continue readingYesterday, I shared with you some of the truths, or biblical concepts, that the Lord has been impressing upon me in recent weeks and months. Most importantly, that I must consciously think on things that are true of God, and
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