Trust When Your Illusion of Safety Shatters – “God doesn’t expect me to convince myself that the world is safe or that everything will turn out just as I’d hoped. But He does want me to trust that He is
Continue readingHelping you grow in God's all-sufficient grace and truth
“Your testimonies also are my delight; they are my counselors.” – Psalm 119:24
Trust When Your Illusion of Safety Shatters – “God doesn’t expect me to convince myself that the world is safe or that everything will turn out just as I’d hoped. But He does want me to trust that He is
Continue readingShould Christians Cremate Their Loved Ones? – For many years, I’ve wanted to teach or write on this subject. However, there’s not much that I would say differently than John Piper says in this article. Loving the People You Love
Continue readingWhen you receive bad news what is your first response? Do you get angry? Do you get depressed? Or do you experience a little of both? Does disappointment provoke you to become angry with God or others whom you perceive
Continue readingAre All Your Friends Your Age? – Here’s why I’m regularly calling our church to Christ-centered, multi-generational ministry and community. If You Are Watching the Game of Thrones You Are Watching Porn – New post from Covenant Eyes. Why You
Continue readingThe biblical title Christ refers to the anointed one. “In the old covenant, three particular people were anointed for the service of God: the prophet, the priest, and the king. These three dimensions reveal more fully both his person and
Continue readingHow Much Sleep Do Fitbit Users Really Get? – “These findings further support the general recommendation that most adults need to consistently sleep 7 to 9 hours per night, and illustrate why a good night’s rest is so important for
Continue readingGodly wisdom stands in stark contrast to earthly wisdom. First, we saw this in James’ admiration of the meekness of wisdom. Then we learned what hellish wisdom looks like and the rotten fruit it produces. Today, we wrap up this
Continue readingHow Much Do You Need In Your Emergency Fund? – Since we own two old, high-mileage cars, the establishment of an emergency fund years ago has been a life-saver. Staring at Dementia, Fighting for Joy – This older article was
Continue readingContinuing from yesterday, we are considering a key New Testament passage on wisdom, James 3:13-18. We already noted that meekness is a key mark of the wise person. Today, we examine the features and fruits of worldly wisdom explained in
Continue readingThis past weekend, Jim Rickard from Stewardship Services Foundation taught four times at our church. Here’s a quick bullet point list from his workshop on financial freedom. The 38-minute audio file is here (If you are a Firefox user and
Continue readingThe difference between godly wisdom and worldly wisdom is the difference between righteousness and unrighteousness, heaven and hell, God and Satan. The contrast is that great. Yet God has made His wisdom readily available to those who seek for it.
Continue readingOur life in this fallen world will be filled with many expected and unexpected forms of suffering. The curse in the Garden announced this, Jesus confirmed it in His teaching, and the experience of the New Testament church testifies of
Continue readingThere are many virtues we see in the Scriptures, but the highest and grandest virtue is love. Faith, hope, and love are Christian virtues, but the greatest is love (1 Cor. 13:13). Jesus summarized all the commandments of God in
Continue readingThe Essential James Taylor, two-disc set, was among the CD’s I enjoyed listening to (again) on our road trip last week. This singer-songwriter’s ability to craft an unforgettable melody and marry it to thoughtful words is legendary. His website biography
Continue readingAccording to John 15:1-8, our interpretation of the sanctifying work that God accomplishes in our lives—especially during times of trial—is directly related to our understanding of pruning. This, in turn, affects our response to personal suffering and to others in
Continue readingIn our Older Testament, there is the account of a spiritual leader named Nehemiah who, in the providence of God, assumed a tough assignment. His burden was to regather the Jews who had returned to Judah after the exile to
Continue readingThis is the final post in a series drawn from Matt Mitchell’s book entitled Resisting Gossip: Winning the War of the Wagging Tongue. Today, I summarize the Bonus Chapter written to church leaders, which gives counsel as to how to
Continue readingAs God performs his sanctifying work in us—conforming us to the image of his Son, “the founder and perfecter of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2)—there will be times when answers to prayer seem out of all possible reach. When we try
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