Here are some nuggets of wisdom to help you grow in grace and truth as you minister God’s Word to one another. “Wisdom is worth more than silver; it brings more profit than gold” (Prov. 3:14).

FREE AUDIO BOOK FOR SEPTEMBERHumility by Andrew Murray is on my top ten list of books every Christian should read. This month it’s a free download from Christian Audio.

I Picked Up a “Small Book” After My Recent Miscarriage – The devotionals for each day are short yet full of truth and comfort. I appreciated that the devotionals acknowledge the hardship that accompanies living in a sin-stained world while providing readers with hope.

What Can God Do with Broken Hearts? – Where we tend to dispose of what has been broken, God treasures it. Where the human instinct is toward those who are confident, assertive, and self-sufficient, the divine eye is drawn to those who are humble, who are contrite in spirit, and who tremble at God’s Word. Where the world looks to those who are whole and strong, God looks to those who are weak and broken, for his specialty is bringing much from little, beauty from ashes, strength from weakness.

Bitterness and Her Cohorts – It is vital to remind our counselees continuously that God provides both the means and the motive for saying farewell to bitterness and her cohorts. The means (the Holy Spirit) and the motivation (God’s glory) are found in Ephesians 3:20-21.

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