The Word Dwelt Among Us
[Here is a fresh Christmas hymn to be sung to the tune of “O Come, All Ye Faithful.” Free download below.] The Word was eternal, there in the beginning, In Him were life and the light of men; He was
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“Your testimonies also are my delight; they are my counselors.” – Psalm 119:24
[Here is a fresh Christmas hymn to be sung to the tune of “O Come, All Ye Faithful.” Free download below.] The Word was eternal, there in the beginning, In Him were life and the light of men; He was
Continue readingHebrews 11 begins, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it men of old gained approval…without faith it is impossible to please Him” (vv. 1, 2, 6). A proper understanding
Continue readingYes, I know Christmas and New Year’s may not be the best time to think about these subjects, but…Oh well… Weighs to Fight Childhood Obesity – Two specialists at one of our state’s finest medical facilities, Marshfield Clinic, present a
Continue readingRich, rich, rich, is what the word propitiation is. The Greek hilasterios is used to speak of the mercy seat; that place where the wrath of God was propitiated, satisfied and appeased by means of an acceptable sacrifice. In the
Continue reading[The following review is written by Mark Tubbs and was posted by the Biblical Counseling Coalition.] Qualified Authors/Qualified Parents. If anyone possesses the credentials to write about childrearing, it is Paul and Karen Tautges. Not only do they have ten children,
Continue readingYesterday, I posted an article by this same title. It was my 1st attempt and could have done a better job. Let me try again. If some cobwebs remain in my brain from yesterday I will not mind your iron-sharpening-iron
Continue readingAs some of you know four of our children are hearing-impaired, three of them having already received bi-lateral cochlear implants. Our youngest, Iain (2 yrs), has been doing well with traditional hearing aids since birth…until now. In the past four
Continue readingClarifying Sanctification: David Murray is in the middle of a helpful 3-part review of Tullian Tchividjian’s latest book. He reminds us to be clear about the differences between the doctrines of justification and sanctification. Choosing Disability & Thanking God –
Continue readingThroughout church history there has been a blurring of lines between three essential aspects or phases of salvation, which results in confusion concerning how we actually become holy in our daily experience of the Christian life. Below is a simple
Continue reading“Thousands of thoughts were whirling around in my eleven-year-old head. But one thing was for sure, Daddy was not my hero anymore.” [The following letter is from a female reader who prefers to remain anonymous.] People have told me that
Continue readingSince my mother’s death, two years ago this past Saturday, I have radically altered the way I write in sympathy cards. I now know more fully the pain that death brings into our lives and, having received so many impacting
Continue readingMy nephew sent me a text informing me that this week Sermon Audio featured a recent sermon of mine as their “Staff Pick.” This is probably the most transparent sermon I’ve ever preached, which includes lessons I’ve learned/am learning about
Continue readingTo walk with God is to live by faith in obedience to His commands. Yet, we are unable to do this in our own strength and power, but in that of the Holy Spirit alone. This is the vital tension
Continue readingTwo years ago I had known the Bible identified death as the final enemy that will be defeated by the resurrection (1 Cor 15:26), but I did not know this truth experientially. I did not really know death as Enemy.
Continue readingLord, You are my Comfort. When hard times come my way, Your presence never leaves me. You are with me all the way. Lord, You are my Strength. When I grow weary in this land, Never will I falter. I’m upheld by Your right
Continue readingIf, like me, you are striving to grow in grace as a godly husband then you will be helped by more counsel from Lou Priolo’s helpful book, The Complete Husband: A Practical Guide to Biblical Husbanding. Priolo writes: “Listed below are
Continue readingIf you are a regular reader of this blog then you already know that one of our convictions is that counseling is primarily a one-another ministry ideally set within the body life of the local church. With that in mind
Continue readingIn yesterday’s post I told you that I would finish up my comments on The Next Story: Life and Faith after the Digital Explosion by telling you what I think is the best page in the book and then relate
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