Some articles to read this weekend: How I Started Down the Road to Pornography and How I Got Free – “From age 13 until 17, sexual sin took more pieces of my soul and more hours from my life.” 5
Continue readingHelping you grow in God's all-sufficient grace and truth
“Your testimonies also are my delight; they are my counselors.” – Psalm 119:24
Some articles to read this weekend: How I Started Down the Road to Pornography and How I Got Free – “From age 13 until 17, sexual sin took more pieces of my soul and more hours from my life.” 5
Continue readingAlva McClain, founder and first president of Grace Theological Seminary, wrote, “If someone should ask me, ‘Brother McClain, if you could have just six verses out of the Bible, and the rest be taken away, which would you take?’ I
Continue readingThis morning, a small group of dads in our church gathered for our Dads’ Reading Group. In this 4-week gathering, we are reading out loud and discussing Jon Nielson’s wonderful little book, Bible Reading with Your Kids (Matthias Media, 2017).
Continue reading[Today’s guest post is written by my friend and fellow BCC board member, Bob Kellemen.] On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed his now famous 95 Theses to the door of the All Saints’ Church in Wittenberg, Germany. In doing
Continue readingGrace propels us toward holiness. It does not lessen its pursuit. According to Titus 2:11–13, this empowering grace compels us to live godly while we look for His coming: “For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all
Continue readingRESET: Living a Grace-Paced Life in a Burnout Culture is a compassionate and courageous book. Reading it from “the other side of burnout” gave me much-needed perspective. About five years ago, I began to receive some of the counsel now
Continue readingThe Wrong Way to Read Christian Books – Good stuff from the True Woman blog. Helping Churches to Better Handle Cases of Abuse – Wise, solid counsel from Jim Newheiser. Print this entry
Continue readingThis month, as we remember the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, we are reminded of the priority of keeping the Gospel of Jesus Christ pure and true, free from man’s teachings and religious traditions. Last week, I introduced this
Continue readingYesterday afternoon, I flew to Jacksonville, Florida for the annual ACBC Conference which begins today. This year’s conference is being live streamed at no cost, thanks to the Master’s University for which I am privileged to teach as an adjunct
Continue readingTake time this weekend to read these nuggets of wisdom. Worship Is My Life, Not My Role – “We don’t sing because Jesus excuses our sins. We sing because he has freed us from them.” One Man’s Dream Destroyed Millions:
Continue readingWhen Paul wrote to the Thessalonian church, he was calling all believers to a ministry of corrective love, which he faithfully modeled as a minister of God. A key verse to consider regarding this one-another ministry is found in Paul’s
Continue readingElisabeth Elliot was widowed twice and, therefore, understood grief better than most others. In a simple tract entitled “Facing the Death of Someone You Love,” which I recently discovered on one of my favorite book websites, she brings words of
Continue readingMISSIONS: How the Local Church Goes Global is the latest release in the little hardcover series from 9Marks and Crossway, “Building Healthy Churches.” To say this book is a welcome sight is an understatement. It is the most refreshing book
Continue readingTake time this weekend to read these valuable articles… Your Letter to Your Future Spouse – “Though Titanic is now twenty years old, the same romance-as-savior theme is still present in our culture. But surprisingly, many churches don’t reject this lie.
Continue readingAs we grow older, the more our memory fades. We misplace our car keys or cell phone. We arrive at the bottom of the basement stairs only to forget why we went down there. We start telling others about a
Continue readingThere is a cultural problem in the evangelical church in America. That is, though we claim to believe the gospel is for all people, the natural tendency is still for us to prefer to gather with people who are like
Continue readingA few links you should take time to read this weekend… What’s Changed in Britain Since Same-Sex Marriage? – Four years ago, amid much uncertainty, 400 British members of parliament voted to redefine marriage in the United Kingdom. Here are
Continue readingThe Lord is lord of all. Whether rain or snow, cold or heat, wind or stagnant air, hurricane or calm, the Lord is the one who continues to uphold all of creation by His mighty power. It is Jesus Christ
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