Four New Lifeline Mini-Books

Today, I’m thrilled to make you aware of the four newest members of the Lifeline mini-book family, which are now available for pre-order and will ship late March or early April.

HELP! I’m Addicted – Everybody knows somebody who is addicted to something. But maybe addiction is more personal for you. Maybe you once had real hopes and dreams, desires and possibilities. But then you became an addict, and what started out as fun or an attempt at relief from pain and shame grew into something bigger. Here Jim Berg shows that no matter how tangled your life has become, God offers you hope and help through his word and his people.

HELP! My Baby Died – The greatest grief any parent can endure is the death of a child. No other human experience compares to it and words are insufficient to describe the emotion. This mini-book is offered as encouragement from one fellow sufferer to another. It is brief and will not answer every question about your experience or your baby. But it does answer one very important question. There is indeed a God, and he is faithful and worthy of your trust, even now—especially now. He is the eternal, inextinguishable hope for grieving families.

HELP! My Sibling Has a Disability – Having a sibling with a disability raises unique challenges. It can seem unfair, holding you back from doing the things other families are doing. Or perhaps you are required to step up in the absence of parents, and you feel overwhelmed by the responsibility. This mini-book, with its reminder that God makes no mistakes, seeks to come alongside you and offers biblical wisdom and practical suggestions for navigating through the different seasons of a sibling relationship.

HELP! My Teen Is Depressed – If your teen is battling depression, you may be feeling helpless and hopeless. Perhaps you’re slowly coming to the realization that you have no idea how to rescue your child from the darkness he or she is in. Christine Chappell knows from experience that there are no quick and easy solutions, but here she provides biblical wisdom and encouragement to offer hope for the hopeless teen and help for the helpless caregiver.

Pre-order all four here, on the Coming Soon page.

To order a complete set, which includes one copy of each of the 42 titles in the Lifeline series, click here.

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