5 Ways to Minister to Someone with Dementia – “Since graduating seminary in May 2012 with my MDiv, a lot has happened in my life. At the top of that list is the return of my father into my life
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5 Ways to Minister to Someone with Dementia – “Since graduating seminary in May 2012 with my MDiv, a lot has happened in my life. At the top of that list is the return of my father into my life
Continue readingI didn’t begin to understand the gospel until the summer before my twenty-first birthday. Although I had attended church from time to time in my childhood, I’ll admit that it never really transformed me in any significant way. I was
Continue readingLessons Learned from Unthinkable Sexual Abuse – “I recently learned that a missionary whom I have known and trusted for twenty years has, for his entire adult life, been a sexual predator.” Counseling the Hard Cases – Check out the
Continue readingFanny Crosby, the blind hymn writer, left a gift to the church through her more than 9,000 hymns. One of the common themes in her poetry is the tender love of the Savior—experienced when a sinner turns to Him for
Continue readingDescribe a Person Well and You Win that Person – Ed Welch confesses that “secular counselors, on average, might do a little better at describing people’s hardships than biblical counselors. This is a problem.” 5 Reasons to Confront Even if
Continue readingJim Newheiser and Elyse Fitzpatrick have contributed a significant resource to the wealth of literature currently available to Christian parents. In their excellent book, You Never Stop Being a Parent: Thriving in Relationship with Your Adult Children, they provide sound,
Continue readingWelcome to the seventh installment of our Journey to Biblical Counseling interviews with various pastors, teachers, trainers, authors, and leaders in the biblical counseling movement. What led them to biblical counseling? What were some of the influences the Lord used
Continue readingOne of the apostle Paul’s most famous declarations is this: “I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in
Continue readingThis morning it was a joy to spend some time at one of my all-time favorite Christian booksellers, Cumberland Valley Bible & Books in Carlisle, PA. Their website has been a personal favorite of mine since the mid-90’s when I
Continue readingLast week, a church member emailed me this question: I was having a discussion about a couple of Proverbs that I was reading with a friend and it came about in the discussion that he believed that Proverbs are promises.
Continue readingSince the doctor has put me on mandatory rest for a few days, I am taking just a couple minutes to re-post a devotional from earlier this summer. I love Psalm 46 and again find myself drawn back there for
Continue readingReading through Disciplines of a Godly Man for the seventh time still finds me with pen and highlighter in hand to mark sound, helpful, and convicting counsel from R. Kent Hughes. Since its publication in 1991, Disciplines remains one of
Continue readingIf you’d never been struck by lightning, Daddy, I think my life would be different today. Sarah Ascol reflects on the night her father, Tom Ascol, was struck by lightning and the difference it has made in her life. Why
Continue readingThe most popular post ever published on this blog is 20 Ways Satan May Seek to Destroy You. There we survey the Scriptures and demonstrate the reality of our spiritual enemy and his crafty work. Today, I add a dozen
Continue readingPreaching through the Gospel of Luke continues to be a rich blessing for me, personally, and for our church. In yesterday’s sermon, the Holy Spirit drew our attention to Jesus, the Lord of the Sabbath. In Luke 6:1-11, we read
Continue readingIt’s a privilege to be invited as the keynote speaker for the annual training conference of the Biblical Counseling Training Center of Arizona, a ministry of Grace Covenant Church of Gilbert, Arizona. Dates: September 13-14, 2013 Theme: The Church In Action:
Continue readingAt our elders’ meeting this past Monday one of the men brought a wonderful devotion from Psalm 139:1-18. Reading our way through this marvelous Psalm, our brother called attention to the normal way in which we rightly use this Scripture
Continue readingOf the revival in Wales over 100 years ago it has been written: “The turn of the twentieth century was marked by an unusual concern for spiritual matters. Believers throughout the world were moved to pray for revival. In November
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