Stubbornness Closes God’s Ears
God listens to those who listen to him. The proof of this is all over Scripture. Isaiah 66:2 offers a prime example when God says, “this is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite
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“Your testimonies also are my delight; they are my counselors.” – Psalm 119:24
God listens to those who listen to him. The proof of this is all over Scripture. Isaiah 66:2 offers a prime example when God says, “this is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite
Continue readingSince my conversion from dead religion to the risen Christ in 1984, there is nothing I have wanted more than God’s profound favor upon my life. Therefore as a husband, I find 1 Peter 3:7 deeply sobering: “Likewise, husbands, live
Continue readingAs we continue to think about the admonition to Christian men, the word “Likewise” (Titus 2:3, 6) connects to the godly example we thought about in the previous post. Please note: The Bible calls younger Christian men to the same
Continue readingOur church’s mission is to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is not merely to lead people to “make a decision for Christ,” but to bring people to Jesus and help one another grow in Christ, toward maturity
Continue readingHiding beneath the cloak of our perceived goodness are religious sins, those that feed self-awareness of our spirituality. Instead of driving us to God in humble dependence upon his grace, they blind us, fuel self-righteousness, breed spiritual apathy, and often
Continue readingSome sins are more passive than active. We may call these sins of omission rather than sins of commission because they are all about what we don’t do. These sins involve neglecting (and sometimes refusing) to do what is right
Continue readingYesterday, I mentioned that I would post six brief articles introducing you to the six most common reasons for unanswered prayer, which are explained more fully in the book, Brass Heavens: Reasons for Unanswered Prayer. Here’s the first of those
Continue readingSometimes we’re tempted to wonder if God can hear. After months or even years of praying over a particular person or situation, we look for evidence God is getting our message or even paying attention, and we can’t find much.
Continue readingToday’s post is written by a friend and colleague in gospel ministry, Bob Kellemen. Bob continues to be used by the Lord to equip other believers in the personal ministry of the Word, which we often refer to as counseling.
Continue readingIn 1975, at the Western Open golf tournament near Chicago, the legendary Lee Travino was one of three golfers struck by lightning on the same day. Later, when he was interviewed on television, he was asked what he had learned
Continue readingIn addition to WORLD magazine’s choice of Ernie Baker’s Marry Wisely, Marry Well as one of their recommended staff picks, the respected magazine included Tim Challies’ new mini-book on their Technology Tamers list. WORLD says this about HELP! My Kids
Continue readingThis morning, it was a delight to see Ernie Baker’s new book among WORLD magazine “Staff Picks.” Marry Wisely, Marry Well is an important new contribution to the Christian book world, as it focuses on preparing young people to select
Continue reading“You will be gossiped about. If it has not happened yet, get ready, because someday you will find yourself in the cross-hairs of gossip,” writes Matt Mitchell, pastor of Lanse Evangelical Free Church. “Sadly,” he continues, “most of the time
Continue readingWithout doubt, the model prayer known as The Lord’s Prayer or Our Father is the best known of all prayers. Many of us memorized it as children, as part of our religious upbringing. While reciting it over the years, however,
Continue readingLast year, one of my heroes and spiritual mentors, Jerry Bridges, went home to Glory. There is no doubt in my mind he received the “Well done” commendation from our Savior. For this reason, it was a great honor when
Continue readingHebrews 2:11 contains one of the most surprising statements in the New Testament. It says Jesus is not ashamed to call us His siblings. Why does the Bible make this statement, and how can it possibly be true? Before we
Continue reading“Psalm 73 contains one of the most rhapsodic [emotionally expressive] and uplifting passages in the whole Psalter, and, indeed, there is hardly need for anything beyond letting their rhythms and sentiments sink into our souls.” So writes Alec Motyer in
Continue readingThe leaders of our men’s ministry selected the attributes of God as our theme for this past year, drawing somewhat from A. W. Tozer’s The Knowledge of the Holy and The Attributes of God . Therefore, at our last monthly
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